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Featherstone Primary School

Featherstone Primary School

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Welcome and Information


Welcome to our school website. We hope that you enjoy looking around. It has been designed to give you all the information that you need as a parent or prospective parent, as well as give you a good feel for what life for a child is like at Featherstone Primary School.

At Featherstone Primary, our motto is 'Aspire, Believe, Succeed.' To achieve this ‘can do’ attitude, we aim for each child to achieve more than they ever thought was possible by setting high expectations for all of our children and providing them with the challenge, opportunities and support for them to flourish.

Through our Featherstone Promise, we believe that every child will leave with more choices available to them than when they started. Each day, the staff at Featherstone plan so that we provide children with relevant, purposeful learning opportunities with new, exciting experiences. We do this by providing an engaging, creative curriculum that offers all learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop self-esteem through hands-on learning in a creative environment.

We hope that, by exploring this website, you will find out more about what we have to offer. I would be delighted to show you around our successful school so that you can experience Featherstone first-hand, so please do book a tour through the School Office.

E Gaibee
