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Featherstone Primary School

Featherstone Primary School

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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is made up of 7 areas of learning. Each area is planned through short adult focus activities as well as the continuous provision that children access independently. Learning takes place both indoors and outdoors. We have two classrooms and a very spacious self-enclosed outdoor area. Activities and continuous provision are planned through our topics as well as through children’s interests.


Area of Learning 

Personal Social Emotional Development  

In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Regulate emotions

Take turns and cooperate

Demonstrate positive behaviour

Learn about rules

Build positive relationships with others

Develop self confidence

Have a positive awareness of themselves.

Communication and Language  

In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Develop concentration and attention

Learn new vocabulary

Ask and answering questions

Develop and extend conversation skills

Build confidence to speak in familiar groups

Physical Development 

In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Build their gross motor skills- running, jumping, skipping, climbing

Develop their fine motor skills- pincer grip, threading, cutting

We teach PE weekly so that children can develop their spatial awareness, effects of exercise on the body, balance and co-ordination


In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Engage in RWI sessions- We follow Read Write Inc. every morning for phonics.

Develop letter formation

Listen to the sounds in words (segmenting)

Put sounds together to make words (blending)

Read and write simple sentences

Develop comprehension of stories


In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Count by rote

Count objects to 5, 10, 15 and 20

Recognise 1 more and 1 less

Work out simple addition and subtraction

Double and halve

Recognise numbers to 20

Develop mathematical vocabulary

Measure in different ways including height, weight, length and capacity

Recognise and describe 2D and 3D shapes

Develop concepts of time

Recognise money

Recognise and create patterns

Understanding the World

In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Celebrate festivals

Recognise features in our immediate environment

Learn about animals

Learn about plants

Learn about the seasons

Learn about different modes of transport

Develop an understanding about growing

Use and recognise different technology

Be safe when using the Internet including e-safety

Expressive Art and Design

In EYFS, we teach and support children to:

Mix colours and talk about what they can see happening

Draw objects and people

Plan, make and evaluate using junk modelling


Engage in Imaginative play- role play, small world

Make music

Dance familiar routines

Sing familiar songs