Parents as Partners
Parents as Partners
We recognise that parents are children’s first and most enduring educators and we value the contribution they make. We recognise the role that Parents have played, and their future role, in educating the children.
- The children have the opportunity to spend time with their teacher before starting school during transfer sessions.
- We support children through the transition from Pre-School to Reception with the children attending part time during the first week. This is also to support Staff and Parents in getting to know each other as well as the children.
- We invite all Parents to an induction meeting during the term before their child starts school and again during the first half term of the child’s Reception year in order to detail how we aim to work with their child particularly in relation to reading and phonics.
- There is a formal meeting for parents twice a year at which the Teacher and the Parent/Carer discuss the child’s progress. Parents receive a report on their child’s attainment and progress at the end of each school year.
- We arrange a range of activities throughout the year that encourage collaboration between the child, school and parents: stay and play sessions, celebration assemblies, school visits, and opportunities to share the children’s themed learning.
- We update Twitter so you can regularly find out what your child is doing in school.
- We can provide a quiet and confidential area where parents are able to discuss any concerns.
- We have an ‘Open door’ policy where Parents are able to talk with the EYFS staff both before and after school.